
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tagging, Hopping, and Following Along

Hi everyone!  Another week has passed, and it's almost the weekend again.  :)  So here's to hopping around to see old friends and new. If you're a new follower, please leave a comment so I can hop by your place. And old followers, I always love to hear from you.  Have a wonderful weekend!

The 18 & Over Tag Along, hosted by Bitten by Paranormal Romance is a great chance for those of us who read adult books to find others like them.  If you haven't joined in yet, stop over there and add your name!

This week's question:  What was your favorite book you read last month?
I don't know if it was last month, but a favorite book I've read recently was Seven Day Loan.  I really liked that book, especially the wild twist it offered.  A little naughty, but oh so nice.

Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee's View. This week's question is:  How did you come up with your blog name?  That's easy.  It's my name, or at least my pen name.  :)

And last, but not least, Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Jen at Crazy For Books.  This week's question: Do you read only one book at a time, or do you have several going at once? 
I'm a several-going-at-once girl.  I can't help it. When I find books I like, I find it hard to wait to read them.  But I usually limit the number to 3 or 4.  Any more than that and my head begins to spin.


  1. Hopping through. New follower! I usually have several going too - often 3 or 4. Sometimes only two, but it's hard to limit myself to one.
    My Hop

  2. hello just stopping by. please feel free to visit me at Pimpin' Reads

  3. Hi,

    Found you through the Hop and now following, too. Loving the background for your blog :)

    Feel free to stop by my blog in your spare time,

    Take care & happy reading,
    Ms C

  4. I just can't do the two or more reads at one time, although i haven't tried it either. just hopping through on friday blog hop. have a nice weekend.

  5. I don't prefer to read multiple books at once but I will if the alternative is not reading at all.

  6. Happy Friday and have a good weekend.

  7. Hi, Happy Follow Friday! I'm a new follower. I hope you'll come and visit me too.

    I read 3 or 4 books at a time too! People ask how I can keep track of what I'm reading -- do you get that too?

    Jenny @ Into The Morning Reads

  8. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I always appreciate the comment love! <3

  9. just stopping back by to remind you that V is mine. lol did you enter the contest. don't forget. also i made a contest button if you want to grab it for your minions

  10. Hey Gabrielle. I'm already a follower and just making my rounds. Hope you have a wonderful day!

    Liz @ Coffee & Romance, a book blog

  11. Coming through on the blog hop.

    I have no problem reading two books at a time though it does not happen often. I generally like to finish one and then start another

  12. I don't know, Jowanna. I may not want to let this go so easily. LOL

    Love that Vishous! ;)

  13. Hi, hon - happily tagging along on the 18 & Over. Keep reading, and have a fabulous weekend. :)

    Sally @ Bibrary Bookslut

  14. I love finding people that also read multiple books at once. People always wonder how I can do it. I just say that I love books!

  15. Only one book at a time for me, stop and see mine.

  16. Hopping on thru Happy Friday! My favorite books last month was Gabriel's Mate by Tina Folsom , Fantasy Lover by Sherrilyn Kenyon and Dark Rival by Brenda Joyce.

    Follow Friday and Blog Hops

  17. Hello Gabrielle. You say the weather is turning around in PA I wish I could say we were as far ahead in Maine. We have lost about three feet of snow and it was somewhat warmer today but now the wind has come up so it will cool down.
    I am following (newly) from the 18plu tag along.


  18. Not everyone can multi-task and nobody should. When it comes to book sure, I can't read four books simultaneously (or even two, for that matter!) but there are times I'll juggle as many as four books at a time depending on the subject matter, the urgency or more often both.

    The real trick to this is what KINDS of books to juggle. Hop on over to my blog and learn the method behind my madness - http://www.howardshermannet
    Howard Sherman

  19. Hi! Just stopping by on the Hop.
    I'm the same way.
    Have a great weekend :)
    Caroline @ Bon Bons and Reveries

  20. Hey, I'm a new follower and I love your writing :)

    Here is a link to my blog:


Thank you for leaving a comment. :)