
Saturday, March 26, 2011

New Friday Hop For Writers

Elizabeth Sharp at her blog Sharp Words has created a new blog hop for writers, so because I love to meet new people, I figured I'd join in.  The rules are simple:

1) (Required) You must follow her blog
2) (Required) You must follow the guest poster featured in the blog hop post.
3) Go to Sharp words and copy the image code found there and paste it in your blog. Add your name to the link at the bottom of the post while you are there
4) Copy and paste the rules in your blog, as well as this week’s question.
5) Answer the question
6) You must copy these rules, the hop link and the featured question with your answer on your own blog. This blog serves as a place for new followers to say hi.
7) Follow, follow, follow. This is about networking, people, making connections with people in your community. So talk to us. We don't bite!
8) If someone stops by, says hi and follows you, the polite thing to do is follow back.
9) Comment here and introduce yourself and you just might find a new follower or two.

So this week's question is:  What inspired you to start writing?

I have always had some kind of creative streak going, but one day, I just had something to say.  From that point, it was just a matter of writing fast enough to get the ideas in my head down.  I can't imagine not doing it after it's become such a part of me.


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! If you figure out how to get the characters in your head to behave, please let me know. Lol.

    I look forward to getting to know you better.

    Nichole Chase

  2. I let characters misbehave so much they sometimes get their own story when I hadn't even planned on it. That's how my second book was born. Amon wouldn't stop nagging me.

    Thanks for stopping by!


  3. Hi there :).

    Looking forward to getting to know you through your blog.

  4. Hello Gabrielle thank you for stopping by my blog :-) Can't wait to get to know you better thought your blog and also read some of your books. I'm writing a trilogy right now so I've been busy with that plus the research. Again thank you so much. *big smile* and Write ON!!

  5. Hey! I am from the hop. It is nice to meet you.Good luck with Destiny Renewed. Can't wait to hear more about it.

  6. Thanx for stopping by. I have the same problem with misbehaving characters that write their own stories!

  7. I love how we all have a long past with our creativity! As I have been on this blog hop it has been fun to see similarities! :D
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your comments!

    M.D. Christie

  8. Hi Gabrielle - thanks for finding me. Super blog!!

  9. Hi I am a new follower and I hope you will follow me back at


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