
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

An Author I Enjoyed

As promised, since I've finished writing my second book, I'm taking a little break and doing some reading.  I wanted to mention an author I found while visiting Amazon.  Lyla Sinclair is the author of His Rules, a series of three self-published books entitled Taken By Surprise, Taken Wet, and Taken Completely.  These three novellas revolve around Lauren and Richard, and the erotic romance that develops between them.  And the first book, Taken By Surprise, is #1 on Amazon's Erotica list, and all three are in the top 20. Congratulations to her!

Each of the three stories are quite short, but I found them very enjoyable.  They involve a little BDSM (nothing too much though), and what I read was enough to whet my appetite to read more of Sinclair's work.  She also writes for Ellora's Cave, so I'm sure my future reading will involve a trip to check out those books as Ellora's is famous for very good erotica. 


  1. Thanks Gabrielle! I've been awed by the readership these 3 short stories have garnered. I really appreciate being featured on your blog!

  2. Well done and completion of your second book - You do inspire me to get on with things! Although I have guests staying till end of the week - then I'll sort out the edit and move on! I WILL!!!

    And this review is a little exciting too! Yum ;D

    Shah. X

  3. I have added the book to my wishlist!!! Sounds interesting and up my street!

  4. Congrats on finishing your 2nd book! When erotica has a BDSM element, I usually prefer stories with the woman in charge. The one exception is "The Surrender of Persephone" by Selena Kitt. I like Lyla Sinclair's cover, but it may not be my kind of story.


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