
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Destined Ones Series

After I submitted Stolen Destiny to the publisher in the hopes of getting a contract, I added a few pages more to the first chapter to refocus the story on the main male character/hero, Varek, instead of Callia, who is the main female character.  I realized that all along I had been thinking this was Varek's story, but it didn't begin with him, so I figured it need to be changed a bit to show that.  Now the reader immediately meets him after the prologue and hopefully finds an attachment formed with him. 

In other news, the publisher has asked me the name of the series and I've chosen the title as Destined Ones.  So the first book will be Stolen Destiny: A Destined Ones Series Novel or something like that.  I've decided that the series will have four books, unless someone wants me to do more, which in that case, I'll definitely consider it.  I enjoy writing about Aeveren, so it wouldn't involve arm twisting to get me to write more.  But as it is, I have the first one finished and submitted, the second one about 60% completed, the third one about 40% completed, and the fourth one 70% completed.  I know that this seems to be an odd listing, but the last book is the first one I began writing and now have returned to with the knife of an editor in hand. 

And I've started creating a book trailer for Stolen Destiny.  I can't tell you how much fun that's been.  I've never considered myself very creative in that area, but I've had a blast with finding pictures and music that work with the story.  I can't wait to post it! 

I hope you're having as wonderful a February as I am, and if you're in one of the areas of the United States where it's been snowy, icy, and cold, remember that spring is only 5 weeks away!

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