
Friday, February 4, 2011

18 and Over Book Blogger Tag Along

This is my first 18 and Over Book Blogger Tag Along, and I'm thrilled to find bloggers reading my favorite types of books!  My friend Selena at The Enchanted Book told me about it and since I read and write adult romance and erotica, I thought it would be great to join others who like these genres as well.  The tag along is hosted by Bitten by Paranormal Romance, and it's a good chance for those who read adult books to find others like them. 

The question for this week is:  Do you prefer erotic novellas or novels?

I like novellas for erotic reading.  It's not that novels are something I won't read, but in this genre, I'm more likely to go for a quicker hit.


  1. Hi Gabrielle...just stopping by with the 18 & over tag along. Hope you have a great weekend.

  2. Hi Ing!

    Thanks for stopping by and following! I'll be heading over to your blog later.


  3. Hi, just hopping by to say hello. You have a very nice blog.

    I love Novella's but will read what ever i can get my hands on. LOL

    I am currently reading a book from NetGalley called Winter Wishes

    Have a great day!

  4. Thanks for joning in the tag along, hope to see you again. Have a good weekend.

  5. Hey hun, hoppin on by real quick with the 18+. Late as usual. *g* I like to read both but I prefer Novels. I like getting totally wrapped up in a 'story' ;) for a few hundred pages. I hope you had a great weekend!


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