
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Altered Frequency Tour-Joya Fields

I'm happy to have fellow author Joya Fields here at my blog today with her book, Altered Frequency. Keep reading for information on the book and where you can pick up a copy!


After losing her father and brother in the line of duty, Missy Prescott vows never to get involved with anyone who has a dangerous job. Blessed with a golden voice, she takes a job as a disc jockey with her own late-night lovelorn dedication show on a popular radio station in Baltimore.

Blake Decker has never had a family. He has come to count on the only family he knows—his brothers on the police force. He’s a one-night-stand kind of guy when it comes to relationships.

Betty McAllister, the caring woman who used to live in Missy’s apartment, is now a ghost. She refuses to cross over until Blake—whom she viewed as her own son—is happily in love. She thinks Missy is the perfect girl for him.

Missy and Blake need to keep each other at a distance as they work together to help Betty find a way to cross over. But when danger lurks, will Missy and Blake lose everything?

Joya Fields has had over 100 stories and articles published in local and national magazines. Her debut novel, a romantic suspense, was a NJRW GOLDEN LEAF WINNER FOR BEST FIRST BOOK OF 2012 and was nominated for RT Book Reviews 2012 Indie Press/Self-Published Contemporary Romance award. She's since released three more books.
     Over the years, Joya has taught arts and crafts, worked in public relations, owned a daycare center, helped her children raise prize-winning 4-H livestock, competed in three marathons, and even spent a year as a Baltimore Colts cheerleader. Joya loves spending time with her high school sweetheart/husband of over twenty-five years, two very supportive children, and a pug who follows her everywhere.

Find Joya:
Twitter: @joyafields

Hot & Deadly Blog H0p

Welcome to my stop on the Hot & Deadly Blog Hop! Thank you to the blog hop's hosts K.T. Roberts, H.D. Thomson, and Bella Media Management.

Since I write erotic PNR, specifically vampires, the hot and deadly hero is just my style. My Sons of Navarus series begins with Blood Avenged and a very hot and deadly vampire, Vasilije. When it comes to heroes that walk the fine like of being anti-hero because they're so deadly, Vasilije is it.

But for romance fans, he also has a very sexy side, which his heroine Sasa learns very quickly in Blood Avenged. I can say that the time I've spent writing him have been some of the most enjoyable hours I've spent as an author, and as there are seven scheduled books in the Sons series which will include Vasilije and the other Sons of Navarus, I still have three more chances to give readers more of this hot and deadly hero.(For more information on the four books out already and all things Sons of Navarus, visit my website at

So in the spirit of sharing Vasilije so everyone can enjoy his hot and deadly ways, for this giveaway hop I'm giving away a copy of Blood Avenged to two lucky winners. To enter, all you must do is leave a comment below with your email address. For extra entries, complete as many extra entries as you like in the Rafflecopter.

The giveaway is open internationally, so all can enter. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, June 14, 2013

Malia Mallory Guest Post

Thank you so much for having me as a guest today!
Her Wish, His Command is the third book in the Dominating BDSM Billionaires Series. His Need, Her Desire (Book 1) is currently free at most online retailers. His Desire, Her Surrender (Book 2) hit bestseller lists in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia. Look for His Passion, Her Temptation (Book 4) in July 2013.

Her Wish, His Command Blurb
Doctor Anna Foster may just get what she wants: sexy fellow researcher Jonah Granger. She's been in love with him for years, but Jonah has always been more interested in work at his family's business, Granger Pharma, than romance. Now that they've admitted their attraction, Anna may even be able to tell him what she really wants: to submit to him.
But Granger Pharma faces a hostile takeover. Sensitive data and samples are missing from Anna and Jonah's lab; it may be corporate espionage. Everyone is under suspicion and, and they're even beginning to question each other. Anna must discover the truth if she's going to save both her job and her relationship with the man she dreams of serving.
Her Wish, His Command Excerpt
Jonah sipped from his cup. "This coffee is better than usual. What did you do?"
"I washed out the pot and filter?" Anna laughed and threw her braid back over her shoulder. Wasn't playing with hair supposed to be a flirty thing to do? She glanced into Jonah's eyes and saw his pupils dilate ever so slightly.
Jonah placed his cup on the counter. "I usually just dump the old coffee."
Anna reached to top him off, making sure she grazed him again. She turned and put the coffee pot back in its place. Her hip bumped him.
"Anna?" he asked in a deep, questioning tone.
"Yes?" She paused. "Jonah?" She drew his name out on her tongue.
His eyes locked with hers. "What's this about?"
Anna broke eye contact as his scrutiny became too intense. "What's what about?"
"This." He gestured toward her. "Is this about yesterday?"
Anna wasn't sure where to go with her plan. "Yesterday?" She feared her manner gave the impression of stupid instead of coy.
"Yes, yesterday. We had a moment, for lack of a better term. Is this some game?"
Anna straightened. "Game? What is that supposed to mean?" Her voice lost its teasing edge.
"It means that either you are trying to needle me or maybe … maybe you want something?"
Anna frowned. "Those are the only two explanations?"
Jonah considered for an instant. "Anna, you're not interested in me, are you?"
Anna thumped her mug on the counter. "Of course not." Color rose in her face.
"Anna, about yesterday. I didn't mean to be unprofessional." His apologetic manner unnerved her.
"You were not unprofessional," Anna bit out. What a disaster. Was he going to say something kind? Anna didn't think she could bear the embarrassment.
Jonah took her hand lightly in his. Her hand trembled, and Anna was sure he felt it. "Are you afraid?" He looked into her eyes. "Or aroused?"
Anna swayed as his calloused thumb stroked her palm. The lab seemed to shrink, the walls gathering close around them.
He tugged on her hand, bringing to his lips. He nipped her fingertip.
Anna struggled to remain impassive as her blood surged. She sensed she hadn't fooled Jonah with her imperfect façade of calm.
A predatory masculine smile crossed his face. "I see." He sucked her fingertip into his mouth.
Malia Mallory Biography
Malia Mallory lives in Hawaii with her husband and daughter. She's been working with words since alphabet blocks rolled into her crib, not only writing her own work but copy editing and proofreading the work of others. She has loved to read about relationships since she first sneaked off with her mother's Harlequin.
Malia Mallory is the best-selling author of The ABCs of Erotica series, which covers the erotic spectrum from BDSM to ménage and everything in between. More releases in the series are on the way. She has also released the Mia's Cop Craving series and Santa's Backdoor Baby. Malia’s books have hit the bestselling erotica lists at both Amazon and iTunes. Her books are available in electronic format at major retailers like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, Kobo, Sony, Diesel, Smashwords and AllRomance Books.
For a free copy of B is for Beach from The ABCs of Erotica, head to her website and sign up for the newsletter at
Connect with Malia Mallory
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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Remembering Men Are Not Women #amwriting #amreading

After reading in a romance novel for the third time that a man's cheeks warmed, I feel the need to state what I had always seen as the obvious. Men are not the same as women. The way we writers describe men can't be the way we describe women. First of all, it's emasculating. Why editors aren't telling romance authors this is beyond me, but making the hero just a taller, bigger version of a woman isn't sexy. So very not sexy.

It's also inaccurate. While males certainly do blush, have their hands get sweaty, and physically do many of the same things women do, these behaviors aren't indicative of the same things as when they happen in women. I should note here that I read adult romance, so none of what is about to follow belongs in a discussion about YA romance (which I wouldn't touch in a discussion with a 10 foot pole as I can't get into it). In adult romance, men are supposed to be grown adults. By the time men are adults, they don't embarrass as easily. There just isn't the "cheeks warmed" opportunity. If a man's face is red, it's likely because he's been working, exercising, or performing some other activity that has caused blood to flow to his face.

Same thing with the hero looking down at his hands or any other type of looking down. That's feminine and very not heroic. These aren't stereotypes either. Watch men for just a little while and you'll see that if any of them in a group are blushing or looking down instead of meeting another man's gaze head on, they're not respected. Men can certainly look away from the group, but the level at which his eyes are at is meaningful. In fact, keeping the spatial world in mind as we write men is very important. Males work on a far more primitive level socially, so when writers describe them, we need to remember this.

Also, and this is one of my real pet peeves, they do not speak like women. I know the temptation is there to have them talk about things for pages to get all that cool narrative info in about the couple's romance, but it's a rare man who has that much to say about anything that might appear in a romance novel. It's likely a stretch to make them talk much at all regarding many things romance novels focus on. :) (Note: I will say that non-romantic topics, such as fighting, killing, and other such activities that are like sports can have them talking for pages and pages. LOL) They also don't use many of the words we use, except when they're making fun of females. Grown men rarely say wow. Why? Because they've learned through interactions with other males that expressing such interest in anything is too feminine and just not cool and manly.

Fiction allows the writer to take some liberties, which I wholeheartedly agree with, but there are some fundamental areas that aren't okay to stretch. Men don't act like women, which is likely why they can't understand the interest in a genre that is entirely dedicated to something which they view in a far more visual way. The idea of Mommy Porn is a fine example of this. Mommy Porn is erotic romance. You know what Daddy Porn is? Porn. And if you've ever watched even a tiny bit of porn, you know romance is not the point. (Another huge pet peeve: Erotic romance authors should be required to watch a healthy dose of porn and often. I'm sick of reading erotic romance that's not hot because I suspect the author has had very little experience with their topic. But that is another post entirely.)

So writers, remember men are not women. Making them male versions of us defeats the purpose for the romance story. The best way to write men is to watch them first, but not the one you're married to. He's not a useful source. Go out and observe the creature in his natural environment (i.e., sports events, outdoors, you see where I'm going with this). Men are incredibly interesting people who deserve to actually be men, even in the romance novel, because let's face it: the romance novel is simply the fantasy of men being real men with the added really hot skills in bed and kickass fighting ability and/or wads of cash. So let's keep the warming cheeks to the ladies.