
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

#Vampires For Valentines Day

Welcome to my stop on the Vampires For Valentines Day Giveaway Hop! Thanks to the hop's hosts Felicity Heaton, Caris Roane, and H.D. Thomson. As you can tell by my blog and my book covers, I love vampires. For me, there's no other character that embodies sensuality and power as much as the vampire.

When I began writing my own version of the vampire series, I knew from the very beginning I wanted to do something that hadn't been done before.

From that desire came the Sons of Navarus series. My vampires don't fight against humans anymore since the peace between the two races in the early 20th century. No, my vampires are fighting against one another and other paranormal beings.

Here's the series blurb:

Eight vampire warriors descended from the gods and chosen to defend their world against the Archon takeover, each dedicated to the war they must win. But there's another side to these Sons of Navarus—one that only the women they love know. Behind the strength they need to defeat their enemies lies a passion different in each one of the Sons. Their war will take them around the world and even involve the gods themselves, but they must unlock the secrets of the Prophecy of Idolas to defeat the Archons or perish in trying for none of their kind can be safe if the Archons win this battle.

Let me introduce you to the Sons.

There's Vasilije, whose story is Blood Avenged. Vasilije is pure Alpha male, sensual and powerful. Turned in the 1600s, Vasilije was the son of a Romanian prince and is royalty himself. 

And Saint, whose story is Blood Betrayed. Saint is a darker vampire and very much the brooding type. Turned on the battlefield in the First World War, Saint's real name is Declan, but the vampire world calls him Saint because he only sleeps with human females.

Then there's Terek, whose story is Blood Spirit. Seductive and spiritual, he's nearly a god in the vampire world because of the thousands of vampires he's sired, mostly female. A monk in his human life, he was made vampire by a Muslim trader in the mid-1300s just after losing his wife and child.
And Ramiel, who is the biggest Son but the most violent. His book is Blood Prophecy. He's a bad boy down to his bones. He's one of the two Sons responsible for deciphering the Prophecy of Idolas. Turned in the 400s, he was a Visigoth barbarian and Roman slave before being turned vampire.

Then there's Thane, the gentle giant of the group. He's the other Son responsible for the Prophecy. Turned in Tudor England in the 1500s, he's the son of an English nobleman and a true knight-in-shining armor.

And Sion, the smartest of the Sons, is all brain but for the right woman, there's a heart inside him too. Turned during the Second World War, Sion is a mystery to most who meet him, but his life before becoming vampire was very violent and very much not like the icy cold male he appears to be today.

And Dante, who is the youngest of the Sons and a clyten, a type of vampire who can walk in the son. Made vampire in the 1980s, he's the only American in the group and cocky as all hell.

Finally, there's Nico, the oldest of the Sons of Navarus who was turned in ancient Greece and looks like a Greek god.

The first three books in the Sons of Navarus series are currently available and Blood Prophecy is set for release this spring (click on the title for more information on the books in the series) So in celebration of having all these incredibly hot vampires to spend my time with, I'm giving away a signed paperback copy of Blood Avenged, along with the choice of one of the specially made bookthongs for the first four books (Blood Avenged through Blood Prophecy-see below) to one lucky winner.

To enter, leave a comment below with your email address and do as many of the Rafflecopter entries as you like (the more you do, the better your chances of winning). Look for the newsletter signup and the Pinterest follow button in the left sidebar. The contest is open internationally. Be sure to hop around to all the other blogs too! Happy Valentine's Day!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. vampires are bad, dangerous, mysterious...if you have one on your side, it's a powerful feeling.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow what a great giveaway! ^_^ I love vampires because of their dark nature and their need for ..Possesion? of their mates, and how they would do anything for them.

  4. I like vampires because I am one? :) Okay, truthfully, I love vampires because they are sensual, dark, wild, unpredictable creatures of the night. :) LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com

  5. I have loved vampires ever since I was a little girl. I was never afraid of them and always saw them as loving. When I got older, I saw them as sensual, sexy, and alpha males!! Your books are wonderful and I look forward to the next one in this series!!

  6. Hello Gabrielle - I'm hopping around the other's on the list.

    The answer to why I love vamps is on my blog today, along with five reasons to date one. :P

    Shah. X

  7. I love Vampires there is something thrilling, & sexy about them. They are a they are SO good in bad way!)Love

  8. Why i love vammpires? because sometimes they are more human than us, they know good from evil and they decide what they want to do with less hypocrisis than a lot of us

    thank you a lot for this wonderful international giveaway


  9. vampires are bad, dangerous, mysterious...if you have one on your side, it's a powerful feeling.

  10. Hi Gabrielle,
    You know I love stories about Vampires and other Paranormal beings. Please keep writing.

  11. Vampires are dark and sexy

    susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com

  12. I love vampires because they are sexy,calm in dangerous situations, strong, and they are so good at being bad.

  13. Power and immortality are two attractive properties that make me a fan of vampires. I also like to read about them (as about paranormal creatures in general) cause humans are a little bit boring... don't you think?

  14. I like the mysteriousness. =) I always think how intriguing it would be to live for 100's or 1000's of years. What effect on the psych it would have. So many social changes take place. Very interesting.

  15. Because they are super smexy!!! careysabala(at)cox(dot)net

  16. Vampires are dark, mysterious, gorgeous, loyal, strong, sexy, possess some supernatural powers, dangerous vibe

    Crystal Guidroz

  17. Becauser they are mysterious and dark.
    Crystal Young

  18. I really don't know why. In the past, I probably wouldn't have even picked up a vampire book at the library or bookstore. Since I have been on Goodreads and blogging, it seems like I go through phases where I read one right after another. Then, I'll take a little break and look for some murder. LOL Most of the time the books are so well written, I don't really notice it. Thanks for the giveaway.

    sherryfundin69 at netscape dot net

  19. They're mysterious. Usually quiet and sometimes withdrawn, but that in no way means that their mind isn't running a million miles an hour. lol Hot, sexy as hell; how many more ways can a gal say a vampire is frickin HOT? ;)
    Thanks for the chance today....
    Sebrina_Cassity at yahoo dot com

  20. I LOVE Vampires because its sometimes sexy to have someone that powerful and in control :)

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    My e-mail is


  21. I love vampires because they are very sexy. I like the way they love and protect their women.

  22. They are just so darn tempting :)


  23. They just make for the best escape from reality reading and boy do I need that.

  24. It is all in the bite baby, all in the bite. sdylion(at)gmail(dot)com

  25. Oh let me count the ways...mostly it's just the sexiness.

  26. From the unknown to taboo, dark brooding bad attitude, I could go on

  27. Vampires are the ultimate bad boys. I think that is why I like them so much. Gabrielle has done wonders with this series so far and I can not wait to read the next book.

    kim86004 at gmail dot com

  28. Vampires are mysterious, sensual, and just plain HOT! They definitely know where to bite :)
    bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

  29. Love the name of your Vampires Gabrielle. They have the dark brooding and sensual vibe going on. And the Alpha they present is a big part of it. :)An awesome giveaway. A new series for my TRL.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  30. It`s just something about a larger than life, capable and strong man who can sweep you of your feet and take care of you *happy sigh*
    Thanks for the giveaway & Happy Tuesday!
    fr_larsson at hotmail dot com

  31. Vamps tend to be very tortured hero and alpha at the same time, which are my two weaknesses in males ;)


  32. They are dangerous and sexy and hot. Plus since they can only come out at night, they experience a different world than we do which is interesting


  33. They are sexy,dangerous, mysterious alpha males yum yum yum and yum.

  34. Now this is a Blog Hop I can really sink my teeth into! I LOVE Vampire’s and when you mix them in with Romance Novels the result is intoxicating! Who doesn’t love Vampires! They are usually handsome, sometimes dark and brooding, have sexy names like Sebastian - Damien - Alexander, and they have been alone so long and searching for their Bride, so they can have that one perfect woman to love! Some of my absolute favorite Vampires are :

    Lothaire Daciano from the book Lothaire. Lothaire is sexy, wicked, confidant, and has been waiting for his Bride for Eons.

    Ian MacPhie from the book All I Want For Christmas Is A Vampire. Ian is a Highland warrior and a Vampire. Sexy with an accent and a kilt.

    Sebastien Newcombe from the book Phantom Shadows. Bastien is a misunderstood and sexy badass. He just loves to push everyone’s buttons.

    Javier from the book Covet. Javier desires her above all others.

    See what I mean….I LOVE VAMPIRES!

  35. i love vamoires because they are mysterious, sexy, good looking and yummy *lol*

  36. I like SOME vampires because they are different, exotic and mysterious.

    elewkf1 at yahoo dot com

  37. love vampire because immortal creature, strong and smart

  38. I like the sense of danger that surrounds them. Almost like playing with fire. dsr002(at)gmail(dot)com

  39. I love the air of mystery around them, and their sexy bite.

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  40. Vampires are, perhaps, a bit more cultured in your typical tales. And I like them because they've lived through history, and just think of the stories they'd have to tell. And they're sexy in that sensual, dangerous, brooding sort of way.

    tp DOT quixotic AT gmail DOT com

  41. Awesome giveaway!

  42. mysterious, sexy, broody, and they looks so hot. thanks for the giveaway :)


  43. I love vampire because have somethisng dangerous, mysterious, sexy and immortal!!

  44. I love vampires because they are hot, sexy, gorgeous, alpha male bad boys with more than just a hint of danger to them!
    Ashley A

  45. i love vampires coz he is hottie, sexy, dangerous, mysterious.
    thanks for the giveaway

    icha09 at gmail dot com

  46. One of the things I love most about vampires is their confidence and intelligence. Being immortal, they live for years and get to experience so many things in our culture, as time goes by. To me this adds a mystery to them that I find very sexy.

    loriafenn at yahoo dot com

  47. Vampires are dark and sexy, sometimes bad boys.


  48. Because they are strong, gorgeous and immortal.

  49. The mystery, the living forever and the sexiness attract me.

  50. i love vampires, they are dark, mysterious nd gorgeous. and i love the Sons

  51. Can't wait for blood prophecy read all the sons books

  52. They are justifiably arrogant and cocky, suave and lethal, possessive and protective, lethal as all hell, they're sexy as all get out, passionate, and come with a long list of sexual prowess. Well, at least the one I'm into have these qualities.

  53. Because they're mysterious, dangerous and sexy.

    spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

  54. I love vampires because of their mysteriousness and their sexual allure. I have been obsessed with them for about as long as I can remember, always wanting to watch movies or shows about them or read books about them and I don't think that will ever change!! =)

  55. I love vampires!!!

    Sheshatr at ymail dot com

  56. I think it's because they are just so sexy, alpha, & dangerous. I just can't resist :)
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  57. Their just sexy and mysterious and the ultimate bad boy.

  58. I love vampires because they tend to be sexy, very much the alpha male, strong, intelligent, generally have some supernatural powers, etc.

    manning_J2004 at yahoo dot com

  59. I have loved Vampires since I was a teenager. Vampires are always sexy, good looking and loving. Also they can offer Immortality and that is one thing that draws me in. Also they love so unconditionally. When they fall in love, they love forever. And really I just love everything about Vampires. Thank you for a chance to win and for being a part of this fun and awesome blog hop!!

  60. I like Vampires because they have tons of knowledge and have lived for 100's of years imagine the history they have lived... not only that they are sexy and very serious.

  61. I llike vampires because theyre dark, mysterious and dangerous :)
    oddball2003 at hotmail dot com

  62. I love the mystery and never knowing what will happen - they certainly tend to go against the predictable. Of course the fact that so many are written to be yummy does not hurt ;)

  63. I haven't read any vampires yet! LOL! But, your excerpt and cover looks intriguing!
    Thank you for the contest!
    bluebirdsub24 at gmail dot com

  64. I love Vampires out of all of the supernatural creatures. They are sexy, mysterious, and powerful!
    Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  65. I love them because they are sexy, alpha, mysterious and dark.
    sstrode at scrtc dot com

  66. Thank you for the awesome hop and giveaway!!! :)

  67. I love the romanticism of vampires that dark edge between safe and danger ;)

    Krysta B.


  68. They are the bad, sexy boys of the paranormal world. Show me some fang and I'll swoon :)


  69. They are dangerous but alluring ;)

  70. oops forgot my email!
    its: gokarter418 (at) aol (dot)com

  71. I love the danger, mystery and sexiness they often portray!


Thank you for leaving a comment. :)