
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A New Year

For me, January 1 isn't so much a new year as another year. You see, my son Christiaan's birthday is January 2, and 17 years ago today I gave birth to that wonderful soul. After eight months of being so sick I lost 28 pounds (yes, I lost 28 pounds while I was pregnant with him), he finally arrived after 3 weeks of being induced. Thankfully, he was healthy at 8 lbs. 1 oz.

I still joke that he's lucky I like him at all after what I went through to bring him into the world. :)

My son is one of my favorite people. He possesses more talent in more areas than I could ever have hoped for. Music, math, science, and even one of my faves, English, come easily to him. Add to this being handsome and luckier than anyone I've ever met and that's my son.

Today he turns 17 and this mother couldn't be prouder. The other day he heard me saying something about my writing (I was struggling with a chapter) and he said, "Mom, you never see how talented you are. You say I should always aim for the stars because that's where I belong. Well, it's time someone told you the same thing. This year I want you to get the great stuff you deserve."

Thank you to my beautiful baby boy for saying just what I needed to hear. Happy birthday, Christiaan. Here's to this year being better than ever for the two of us!


  1. What a touching post! Thank you so much for sharing with us, Gabrielle.

    Happy Birthday, Christiaan! Live it large and enjoy your special day! :)



  2. Thank you so much for sharing this with us, Gabrielle.

    Happy Birthday, Christiaan. With a Mom like you have I know she will make it an awesome day for you.


  3. Happy Birthday, Christiaan...
    That was very cute what he said to you :)

    I lost weight with my last pregnancy (lost 32 pounds).And also like you, she will be 3 on the fourth of January. I have 3 other older daughters 11, 13 & 17.


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