J.K. Rowling's new book, The Casual Vacancy, was released the other day to howls of disappointment for the price (something she has no control over being a traditionally published author) and the content. I'm not concerned about the price here but instead about the content issue. It seems the world is full of people who think authors must write the same book all the time. Who are these people?
Now I will grant you that from what I've read it might have been a good idea to change her name for this book since it's so different from the series that shall not be named. Here's the reality, though. This is her name. Why should she have to change it to suit a world filled with narrow-minded people?
I've been looking at the 1 star reviews on Amazon and over and over again they sound like children who've been given the wrong flavored lollypop. They're kicking and screaming about it not being like the series that shall not be named, with the biggest problem being that she dropped the F-bomb.
Are they fucking kidding?
I do admit I'm a bit jaded since I write in the genre I do, but are all these people stunted, stuck in some sanctimonious pre-teen haze? Rowling repeatedly said before the release that this is a book for adults. Why the hell would readers buy a book described that way and then bemoan the adult content?
The problem is that there are readers who honestly believed this woman should stay in one stale place for the rest of her life because they've never moved in theirs. I feel like I need to be honest here. I've never truly read the series that shall not be named. I tried to make it through the first two books and that was like a cross between a hot knife through butter and slogging through knee-deep oatmeal. As they're children's books, they held little for me, but the writing wasn't what I'd expected so it was rough going. My friends told me to keep reading as they promised they got better. I did, but it's been spotty, at best. From what I've seen, the woman knows her craft, but in the end, they're children's books and I don't read that genre.
The movies were great, though.
Back to the point. Unfortunately for Rowling, she's learned that readers aren't any better than any other group of people. No matter how many people say it, they don't like change. It unnerves them, upsets their very boring yet very stable apple carts. She was supposed to be THAT J.K. Rowling for the rest of time, just like they'll be whoever they've been FOREVER. Even the vaunted NY Times reviewer can't help but compare this book to the other series. The problem is that it was never supposed to be happy and touching like the series that shall not be named. Why is this idea so hard for all these people to grasp?
I applaud Rowling for growing as a writer, and while I had no plans to ever purchase The Casual Vacancy, I have to admit all this screaming and hollering from these people has made me rethink that choice. I won't buy it at the current price, but I think I will give it a try in a few weeks. I hope that the histrionics by those disappointed fans will do the same for others like me. The book may not be good, but all this bitching by the masses tells me that I might want to give it a chance.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Author Kenra Daniels Guest Post
I want to welcome a new author to my blog today, Kenra Daniels. She's here to talk about her new book, Tight Spaces. so join me in saying hello and be sure to read the excerpt and enter her giveaway!
I've been thinking about Happily Ever After. Of course, a book must have an HEA ending to be considered a Romance, or at least a Happy For Now ending, so creating those endings takes up a good bit of my time, as I'm sure it does every other romance author.
One of the big arguments detractors of Romance novels trot out regularly is the fallacy of the HEA. Supposedly, there's no such thing. How sad, that, as a society, we've lost so much faith in the power of love and romance that we no longer believe in Happily Ever After!
The problem seems to be our perception of Happily Ever After. In past eras, for a woman to be happy and secure, she needed a committed relationship, a man to provide for her and her children. Having a man who took that responsibility seriously, and cared for his wife, was a good thing. Serious relationships didn't just end at the drop of a hat, and women were rarely left to work two jobs and raise three kids alone just because the man fell out of love.
Today's Happily Ever After, I think, is far different. It's in knowing your partner will be there, trusting they won't fall out of love, or leave, as easily as they'd change underwear. It's in facing challenges together, working together to improve your lives.
In some ways, I think today's Happily Ever After is far more romantic and meaningful. Couples don't stay together now out of fear of social criticism, or out of feelings of responsibility toward children. Rather, they stay together because they want to, because they love each other.
As romance authors, today, we have more exciting options in relationships to explore than ever before. And Happily Ever After has never been more possible than it is today.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Hi Gabrielle, thanks so much for having me here!
I've been thinking about Happily Ever After. Of course, a book must have an HEA ending to be considered a Romance, or at least a Happy For Now ending, so creating those endings takes up a good bit of my time, as I'm sure it does every other romance author.
One of the big arguments detractors of Romance novels trot out regularly is the fallacy of the HEA. Supposedly, there's no such thing. How sad, that, as a society, we've lost so much faith in the power of love and romance that we no longer believe in Happily Ever After!
The problem seems to be our perception of Happily Ever After. In past eras, for a woman to be happy and secure, she needed a committed relationship, a man to provide for her and her children. Having a man who took that responsibility seriously, and cared for his wife, was a good thing. Serious relationships didn't just end at the drop of a hat, and women were rarely left to work two jobs and raise three kids alone just because the man fell out of love.
Today's Happily Ever After, I think, is far different. It's in knowing your partner will be there, trusting they won't fall out of love, or leave, as easily as they'd change underwear. It's in facing challenges together, working together to improve your lives.
In some ways, I think today's Happily Ever After is far more romantic and meaningful. Couples don't stay together now out of fear of social criticism, or out of feelings of responsibility toward children. Rather, they stay together because they want to, because they love each other.
As romance authors, today, we have more exciting options in relationships to explore than ever before. And Happily Ever After has never been more possible than it is today.
A lonely woman goes dancing with friends to
kick the Bad Breakup Anniversary Blues. Her fantasy-man is willing to help,
until her lowlife ex ambushes him.
With the first
anniversary of the messy break up of a long-term relationship bearing down, Amy
has the blues. When her friends suggest an evening at the Double Dare, she
reluctantly agrees to go along. She doesn't do the casual sex thing, but it'll
be good to spend time with her friends.
Seeing Jesse at
the Double Dare immediately cheers her up. She's fantasized over him for
months. The evening gets more pleasant as they heat up the dance floor. Things
go from hot to sizzling, until her ex shows up and confronts Amy in a low blow.
Will his interference deter Jesse and Amy from continuing what could be the
start of something wonderful?
Short Excerpt: Finally, the doors opened, and the line
started to move. The doorman checked IDs, turning away one young couple with
fakes. By the time Amy made it to the front of the line, the heavily muscled
man had relaxed a little, and started flirting with some of the women in the
line. When Amy's turn came, he gave her a nod while his blue gaze flicked up
and down, taking in her appearance.
His smile broadened when his
gaze arrived at her generous breasts. "That's an awfully nice dress for a
dump like this, Sweetheart." His voice, rumbly and intimate, sent a charge
directly to Amy's pussy.
She licked her lips before
answering, causing heat to flare in his eyes. "It's my favorite, so I
decided what the hell."
"If you get tired of the
jerks inside, come on back out and keep me company a while. I know how to treat
a lady." His voice promised a good time.
Feeling especially daring, Amy
made of point of letting her skirt brush against his pant leg as she walked
past. "I'll just bet you do." With a long look over her shoulder, she
headed on through the heavy steel door.
God! Had she really done that?
Embarrassment heated her cheeks. Never in her life had she behaved that way!
Every male without sight would read her actions as coming from a bitch in heat.
Hopefully those young jerks hadn't paid attention. Otherwise, they wouldn't be
able to resist paying her a visit.
Author bio:
Kenra Daniels lives in a tiny rural community in north
eastern Kentucky
with her very own Romance Novel Hero. In addition to Erotic Romance, Kenra
writes Paranormal Romance, and has plans for Historical Romance, Urban Fantasy,
and a few other things. She has a completely new paranormal being in
development and will soon start those stories. With multiple other projects in
the works, time and energy are her only limits.
Author's Links:
Tight Spaces Buy Link: http://www.amazon.com/Tight-Spaces-Double-Dare-ebook/dp/B009AZLYYM/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1347737116&sr=1-1&keywords=Kenra+Daniels
Blog and Website: http://kenradaniels.com
Amazon Author Page: http:// amazon.com/author/kenradaniels
Facebook: facebook.com/KenraDaniels.RomanceAuthor
Google Plus Profile: https://plus.google.com/115195574419422934260/posts/
Google Plus Page: Romance From Kenra Daniels: https://plus.google.com/102441895701469079565
Pinterest: http:// pinterest.com/KenraDaniels
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Friday, September 28, 2012
#Erotic Victorian Vampires: Orgy Anyone?
It's the end of the first week of the Paranormal Fall Fling. Have you entered yet? Remember each day you post about the Fling on FB or tweet about it on Twitter, you can receive points, so it's never just a one day entry. Be sure to stop by Fling Central to enter the giveaway. On Monday, I'll choose a winner for the Week 1 prize, the Blood & Dreams eBook Box Set, which includes Vampire Dreams Revamped, Blood Avenged, and Blood Betrayed.
Today I'm at Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries, and More talking about the Victorian Era and the underground eroticism of that time period. On the surface, Queen Victoria might have been all stuffy, prim, and proper, but just underneath the surface, may parts of her realm (and the rest of the world) was very sexy. It was that erotic undertone that inspired me to write the character of Vasilije in Vampire Dreams Revamped.
And for you Terek fans out there, today's post talks about him too. If you've read Vampire Dreams Revamped, the orgy scene is where readers first are introduced to the hero of Blood Spirit. Talk about an introduction!
So be sure to enter the Paranormal Fall Fling giveaway and stop over at Melissa's blog for a little Victorian eroticism. Have a great weekend, and remember Week 2 of the Fling begins on Monday!
Today I'm at Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries, and More talking about the Victorian Era and the underground eroticism of that time period. On the surface, Queen Victoria might have been all stuffy, prim, and proper, but just underneath the surface, may parts of her realm (and the rest of the world) was very sexy. It was that erotic undertone that inspired me to write the character of Vasilije in Vampire Dreams Revamped.
So be sure to enter the Paranormal Fall Fling giveaway and stop over at Melissa's blog for a little Victorian eroticism. Have a great weekend, and remember Week 2 of the Fling begins on Monday!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Visiting A Good Friend And Inspiration
Hi all! The Paranormal Fall Fling continues today at Shah Wharton's blog. I'm there talking about the newest Sons book, Blood Spirit, and giving an excerpt of the stars of that book, Terek and Ilona. Stop by and say hi!
And if you haven't entered the Paranormal Fall Fling Giveaway, don't leave my blog until you've done that. This week's prize is the Blood & Dreams Ebook Box Set, not available anywhere but through this giveaway. It contains Vampire Dreams Revamped, Blood Avenged, and Blood Betrayed. One lucky winner will be chosen on Monday night, October 1, so be sure to enter for that and the grand prizes that will be awarded at the end of the Fling. All the details can be found HERE, so don't miss out!
Finally, I saw the image in the link below the other day and wanted to share it for readers who are already looking forward to Blood Prophecy, Book 4 of the Sons of Navarus series and Ramiel's book. I've been hard at work on that, and when I saw this I can only say it's been perfect inspiration for Ramiel and his heroine. Warning: Although it's not graphic, it is sensual and does depict a sexual act. And it's just a brief image, but it replays so you can catch it again. ;)
Inspiration for Blood Prophecy
Happy Thursday!
And if you haven't entered the Paranormal Fall Fling Giveaway, don't leave my blog until you've done that. This week's prize is the Blood & Dreams Ebook Box Set, not available anywhere but through this giveaway. It contains Vampire Dreams Revamped, Blood Avenged, and Blood Betrayed. One lucky winner will be chosen on Monday night, October 1, so be sure to enter for that and the grand prizes that will be awarded at the end of the Fling. All the details can be found HERE, so don't miss out!
Finally, I saw the image in the link below the other day and wanted to share it for readers who are already looking forward to Blood Prophecy, Book 4 of the Sons of Navarus series and Ramiel's book. I've been hard at work on that, and when I saw this I can only say it's been perfect inspiration for Ramiel and his heroine. Warning: Although it's not graphic, it is sensual and does depict a sexual act. And it's just a brief image, but it replays so you can catch it again. ;)
Inspiration for Blood Prophecy
Happy Thursday!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
A Book Trailer and More Fling Fun
The Paranormal Fall Fling continues today at author Felicity Heaton's blog. I'm there with the book trailer for Blood Spirit, the 3rd book in the Sons of Navarus series. Stop over, check it out, and say hi! Before you head over, if you haven't entered the Fall Fling giveaway, click over there from HERE and enter for a chance at great prizes like a $50 Amazon gift card, a $10 Amazon gift card, and a ebook box set that's available only in this giveaway AND only this week!
There are lots of ways to win. Entrants may post about the Paranormal Fall Fling on their Facebook for 10 points each day, and Twitter users can tweet about it for another 10 points each day. Entrants can also follow the Sons page on Facebook, my page on Facebook, and even tell me who their favorite Son is for 10 points (it's okay if you don't have one yet--it's hard to choose one from such incredible heroes!).
Have a great Wednesday!
There are lots of ways to win. Entrants may post about the Paranormal Fall Fling on their Facebook for 10 points each day, and Twitter users can tweet about it for another 10 points each day. Entrants can also follow the Sons page on Facebook, my page on Facebook, and even tell me who their favorite Son is for 10 points (it's okay if you don't have one yet--it's hard to choose one from such incredible heroes!).
Have a great Wednesday!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
More Paranormal Fall Fling Fun
It's Day 2 of the Paranormal Fall Fling, and I'm at the fabulous blog Close Encounters with the Night Kind where Nikki interviewed me on what she calls The Rack. Check out her questions and my answers about all things Sons and especially Terek. ;)
Before you head over, be sure to visit the Paranormal Fall Fling page here at my blog to enter to win all the great prizes I'm giving away. The first weekly prize is the ebook box set Blood & Dreams available only here in this giveaway. It includes Vampire Dreams Revamped, Blood Avenged, and Blood Betrayed. And the grand prizes are up for grabs too!
Don't miss out! Enter today!
Before you head over, be sure to visit the Paranormal Fall Fling page here at my blog to enter to win all the great prizes I'm giving away. The first weekly prize is the ebook box set Blood & Dreams available only here in this giveaway. It includes Vampire Dreams Revamped, Blood Avenged, and Blood Betrayed. And the grand prizes are up for grabs too!
Don't miss out! Enter today!
Monday, September 24, 2012
Paranormal Fall Fling Begins!
Happy Monday! Today's the first day of the Blood Spirit/Sons of Navarus Paranormal Fall Fling! From now through October 31, I'll be at blogs all over talking about the newest release in the Sons of Navarus series, Blood Spirit, along with all the other books in the series and giving away great prizes.
Take a look!
The weekly prizes are:
October 1: Copy of Blood and Dreams Ebook Set
October 8: Sons of Navarus Swag Pack (including cover flats, bookmarks, and trading cards)
October 15: Signed Copy of Blood Avenged
October 22: Sons of Navarus Travel Mug
Grand Prizes:
Grand Prize: $50 Amazon Gift Card
1st Prize: $10 Amazon Gift Card and Sons of Navarus Swag Pack
2nd Prize: Sons of Navarus Swag Pack
(1st and 2nd prize swag packs will include bookmarks, magnets, trading cards, pens, and cover flats)
Today I'm at Bitten By Paranormal Romance and RomCon, so be sure to visit both to find out more about these incredible Sons! And visit the Paranormal Fall Fling page on my blog to enter to win all the great prizes!
Take a look!
first weekly prize is the Blood & Dreams Ebook Set that includes
ebooks of Vampire Dreams Revamped, Blood Avenged, and Blood Betrayed!
The weekly prizes are:
October 1: Copy of Blood and Dreams Ebook Set
October 8: Sons of Navarus Swag Pack (including cover flats, bookmarks, and trading cards)
October 15: Signed Copy of Blood Avenged
October 22: Sons of Navarus Travel Mug
Grand Prizes:
Grand Prize: $50 Amazon Gift Card
1st Prize: $10 Amazon Gift Card and Sons of Navarus Swag Pack
2nd Prize: Sons of Navarus Swag Pack
(1st and 2nd prize swag packs will include bookmarks, magnets, trading cards, pens, and cover flats)
Today I'm at Bitten By Paranormal Romance and RomCon, so be sure to visit both to find out more about these incredible Sons! And visit the Paranormal Fall Fling page on my blog to enter to win all the great prizes!
Friday, September 21, 2012
#PNR Friday: Paranormal Fall Fling Coming!
Thank God it's Friday! For some reason, this week seemed to crawl by. I've been involved in a work kerfluffle, so that's probably why this seemed like the week that wouldn't go away. But let's leave that world behind and enjoy the one that is Friday, gorgeous outside, and filled with paranormal Alpha males!
It's almost a week since Blood Spirit was released, and the Paranormal Fall Fling begins this Monday at a great blog perfect for a PNR book, Bitten by Paranormal Romance. For 5 weeks, I'll be out and about at blogs talking all things Blood Spirit and Sons of Navarus, so check back frequently for all the news on that. There will be weekly prizes and grand prizes of ebooks, gift cards, and swag, so don't miss it.
I've been so flattered by all the comments on Blood Spirit. It was a labor of love, no doubt, and to hear that readers are so moved by the story is so wonderful. :)
I'm deep into the next book, Blood Prophecy, and this is going to be a big step in the series. It's looking like it might be a bit longer too. At the same time, I'm also writing a free short about Vasilije and Sasa, and anyone who read Blood Spirit knows that they're going through some things in their relationship. The short will continue that theme but show the two of them in private. It is shaping up as a very sexy free read, like its predecessor, Forbidden Fruit. If you haven't checked that out yet, click on over there HERE to get a taste of Hades, the God of the Underworld, who is set to make his debut in the Sons series soon.
And congratulations to Jenese, the winner of my giveaway in the 18 and Over Giveaway Hop! Look for more hops coming and more chances to win in the Paranormal Fall Fling beginning next week.
I'm off to begin my day and enjoy the Fall Equinox. Have a great one!
I've been so flattered by all the comments on Blood Spirit. It was a labor of love, no doubt, and to hear that readers are so moved by the story is so wonderful. :)
And congratulations to Jenese, the winner of my giveaway in the 18 and Over Giveaway Hop! Look for more hops coming and more chances to win in the Paranormal Fall Fling beginning next week.
I'm off to begin my day and enjoy the Fall Equinox. Have a great one!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Love's Master-BDSM Romance #kindle #nook
Freed By Submission Dominated By Love
Here's the blurb and an excerpt from the book to give you a feel for it. If you're looking for BDSM romance that's sexy, this is it.
Twenty-three year old Lily finds herself widowed and forced to live with her brother and his family, including his eight year old son William, who is nothing short of a terror. Sure she cannot go another day with his behavior, she begins to search for a new nanny and tutor for her nephew with little success. But when she happens across an advertisement in the Times that seems to be the answer to her problem, she is set on a path that will take her where she's never been before. Victorian England is a place of strict social codes, and the sensual world she enters is strictly forbidden for a woman of her social stature.
Her guide in this world is a man named Kadar, and the feelings he stirs in Lily threaten to change her forever. However, Victorian society is never far away, and her brother intends on seeing his sister remarried and settled into a home near him in Regent's Park. Lily will have to choose between Kadar, who makes her feel more alive than she ever believed she could, and Captain Mason Danvers, the gentleman who can offer her security and comfort for the rest of her life.
“Lily,” he whispered against her lips, barely touching them.
In her desire, she craned her neck, desperate for the kiss he knew she
waited for. Unable to deny her any longer, he greedily took her mouth,
running his tongue over hers. Her lips urged him on to satisfy her need,
and he began to lose himself in the warmth of her. A quiet moan passed
between her lips and he took it inside him, like a pledge she offered.
Before she could try to wrap her arms around his neck, he broke off the
kiss and pulled out the ropes. He placed them in her hands, and
confused, she dipped her head as if to look at what he’d just given her.
Tenderly stroking her cheek, he asked, “Have you ever been tied up?”
As the velvet ropes sat in her trembling hands, she silently shook her
head. He had to carefully introduce restraints or he’d risk losing her
right here.
“Follow me,” he ordered as he began to back up toward the couch. As he sat, she remained standing in front of him.
“Turn around, Lily.”
Lily rotated for him and returned to face him.
“You look beautiful. Blue is my favorite color.”
Smiling broadly, she fidgeted over her dress, smoothing it from the waist. “Thank you! I’m so happy you like it.”
Her words were met with silence. Kadar sat back on the couch and gazed
up at the innocent creature in front of him. Now it would begin.
Standing up, he kissed her lips softly and quietly announced, “I want to see what you are under this pretty blue dress.”
He saw her stiffen in fear and whispered, “I would never hurt you, Lily. Trust me.”
“I do,” she said softly.
Kadar made swift work of her dress and undergarments and in seconds Lily
stood before him naked. His breath caught in his chest, and he had to
restrain himself from opening his trousers and pulling her down on his
lap to bury himself as deeply as possible inside her.
Astonished by her beauty, he muttered “lovely” as he softly kissed her,
explaining, “I’m going to bind your wrists together. Hold your arms out
in front of you.”
Taking the ropes from her, he expertly wrapped them around her wrists,
making sure she wasn’t hurt. Restrained, she was forbidden from holding
Slowly, he lowered himself to sit on the edge of the couch and pulled
her to him. Unable to hold back any longer, he took a nipple in his
mouth and gently sucked, feeling the tender skin harden into a peaked
point against the flick of his tongue.
Pulling away, he looked up into her face now full of desire. “Beautiful Lily.”
He moved to the other one and began giving his attention to it,
eliciting a soft moan from her. Just as with the other nipple, it grew
hard in his mouth and he tenderly fastened his teeth to bite down,
knowing he had to take care not to frighten her.
Cupping her full breast, he latched on and softly bit her nipple as he gently squeezed the supple skin around it.
Looking up, he saw a frown on her face. “What did you say?”
“That hurt, Kadar.”
He slowly stood and stroked her face. “You told me you wanted to submit to me, Lily. Do you?”
Nodding, she bit her lower lip nervously, and he knew she feared she’d done something to displease him.
“It’s all right. But you will have to be punished now.”
Instantly, he saw a look of terror cross her features. How wide her
beautiful green eyes must have been when she heard she was to be
“Please, no, Kadar.”
Cradling her face in his hands, he felt emotion tug at him. Most of the
time when he announced to a woman that he intended to punish her, he had
to fight to ensure he was seated before they flung themselves across
his lap. Lily simply stood trembling in front of him.
“I promise it won’t hurt for long, love.”
Reaching down behind her, he ran his hand over one cheek, then the
other, loving how full and firm they felt under his palm. Then he drew
back his hand and let it land with a hard slap on her skin.
Kadar held her upright as the shock of his slap wore off, leaving only
the warmth growing where his hand had landed. Although he couldn’t see
her eyes, he was sure tears began to well up in them.
Gently, he rubbed his hand over the skin, soothing her. “See? Not so bad.”
“That hurt!”
Again, he pulled back his hand and smacked her skin just as loudly. He
knew she wanted to fight as every muscle in her body tensed, but with
her wrists bound and his arm holding her, all she could do was bury her
face in his chest and whimper.
He soothed her skin with the hand that had just reddened it, whispering, “Someday you’ll ask for this, my Lily.”
Holding her to him, he began to repeatedly spank her, ignoring her soft
cries and pleas to stop. Each time he inflicted pain, he followed it
with the loving caresses she needed to know he cared. Slowly, she
stopped protesting and pressed next to his body, grasping at his shirt
to find the closeness she craved.
Finally, she reached up to kiss him, aroused by the sensations he was
inflicting on her. Unable to hold him, she tugged desperately at his
shirt to bring his mouth to hers.
Kadar let her devour his mouth as she pressed against his swollen cock,
grinding against it with her moist cunt. She was reacting just as he’d
hoped—even more so, to his surprise. She was opening for him, her body
begging his to fill her.
But he wasn’t ready for that yet. Her body may desire him, but her mind
still didn’t trust him. He needed her body to convince her mind, and
that wouldn’t happen if he took advantage and merely fucked her.
He stopped the spanking knowing that one or two more would send her over
the edge, and he wanted to prolong this moment. Gently, he stroked her
skin with his hand, easing the sting out.
“That’s my Lily,” he cooed in her ear.
“Please, Kadar,” she begged.
“How quickly someday has come,” he teased.
She was so responsive that he didn’t want to stop. But he could give her
what she wanted and still be in control. Sitting on the couch, he
guided her onto his lap.
“Sit on top of me, legs apart.”
She did as he commanded and positioned herself on his legs, straddling
him. His hands glided up and down her sides and over her back, carefully
avoiding her still pinkened cheeks.
Just as she became relaxed, he landed his palm on her warmed skin,
harder than before. She didn’t cry out or plead for him to stop but
returned to kissing him, her mouth desperate to express her need. Sure
she was close, he caressed her and then slapped her skin one last time.
Then he waited.
His hand tenderly rubbed the skin and he slid a finger between her
pinkened globes. Her body tensed and her lips began to tremble against
his. Moaning into his mouth, her release began to take over. Her body
sought his as she pushed her pulsating clit against his hard cock to
extend the sensations he’d created in her.
© 2011 Gabrielle Bisset
I've been reading a lot of BDSM romance in the last few months. A lot of it is quite dark, which is great if that's what you're looking for. However, if you're looking for a little lighter BDSM, try Love's Master. I think you'll enjoy it. Readers can find it at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
Happy Wednesday everyone!
Monday, September 17, 2012
Blood Spirit Release Day Blitz
In addition to the blogs I'll be touring around in the coming weeks to celebrate Blood Spirit and the Sons of Navarus series, I've partnered with BTS Tours for a release day blitz and party for Blood Spirit. Thank you to the following blogs for hosting me today. If you can, visit them for a little taste of the newest Sons book, and be sure to visit Close Encounters of the Night Kind for the release day party where you can enter to win a $10 Amazon gift card and swag packs!
Close Encounters of the Night Kind
Close Encounters of the Night Kind
Friday, September 14, 2012
Blood Spirit Is Here! #newrelease #paranormalromance
What a great Paranormal Romance Friday it is! A few days early but
here nonetheless, the third book in the Sons of Navarus series, Blood
Spirit, is available at Amazon now. And soon it will be coming to Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and the other outlets.
Blood Spirit continues the story of the Sons' quest to decipher the Prophecy of Idolas and stop the Archons from taking over the vampire world. Readers will find this book gives a lot more about the prophecy, along with a great deal more about the Archons, and for the first time, they will get to meet a magistrate--a very important magistrate who I promise will figure prominently in the series' story.
But the book is an erotic paranormal romance, and in that way, it's smokin' hot. Terek is sensual and seductive, a vampire sire whose very being oozes sex appeal. And his heroine is sexy and stubborn, just the kind of woman a man who has everything needs. And their scenes together burn up the pages!
Here's a little taste:
Readers will notice immediately that this book has a different tone from Saint's. Blood Spirit is set in Spain and Morocco, with some time spent in Vasilije's monastery home in Romania, but the overall feeling is far more relaxed than that of Saint's story, Blood Betrayed. What gives it such a different tone, though, is the character. Unlike Saint, whose very being is wrapped up in struggle, Terek has wanted for nothing for centuries. That's what happens when many consider you almost a god. But even a god wants something...
If you've read Vasilije and Saint's story, you'll know what I mean when I say Terek is an entirely different hero. The Sons series builds on itself, so if you haven't read the first two books, Blood Spirit isn't the one to begin with. Start with Blood Avenged and get to know that wonderful vampire Vasilije and then move on to Blood Betrayed and fall in love with Saint before you read Blood Spirit.
And remember, for a small taste of Terek, pick up Vampire Dreams Revamped for free at Kobo, Smashwords, and All Romance eBooks. He has a small cameo, but it's a delicious scene. ;)
Happy Friday everyone!
Blood Spirit continues the story of the Sons' quest to decipher the Prophecy of Idolas and stop the Archons from taking over the vampire world. Readers will find this book gives a lot more about the prophecy, along with a great deal more about the Archons, and for the first time, they will get to meet a magistrate--a very important magistrate who I promise will figure prominently in the series' story.
But the book is an erotic paranormal romance, and in that way, it's smokin' hot. Terek is sensual and seductive, a vampire sire whose very being oozes sex appeal. And his heroine is sexy and stubborn, just the kind of woman a man who has everything needs. And their scenes together burn up the pages!
Here's a little taste:
Ilona sighed. "Terek, I don't seem to
be like any of your other vampires."
She was right.
"I have thousands of vampires, Ilona.
You've just seen the ones who live here."
"Are they all women?"
Shaking his head, he laughed. "No. Not
all of them. Does that matter?"
He saw it did matter by the way her bottom
lip quivered ever so slightly. "Ilona, what's wrong?"
She closed her eyes and turned away so he
couldn't see her face. "I've never been like this. I don't know what's
wrong with me. I barely know you and my head tells me I have every reason to
hate you. I know this. But I'm consumed by jealousy at the thought of you with
these women and thousands I haven't even met."
Terek stared silently at her, unsure of what
to say. It was perfectly natural she would be attracted to him. Vampires were
sensual beings, and the pull of a sire to a vampire was common. Everything she
was experiencing was exactly as it should be.
Before he could tell her this, she turned
toward him. "I don't want to feel this way toward someone who doesn't feel
anything for me."
The shame in her voice bothered him. Why did
she think he felt nothing for her?
"I care about you as I care for all my
That wasn't exactly the truth. In fact, he
cared much more for her after only such a short time.
"Chattel. Or worse, as a plaything.
Somehow you've made me care for you, and I'm simply the latest addition to your
"Ilona, you're not a plaything or part
of a collection. I didn't choose to sire you. You were dying because of another
vampire's choice and begged me to save you."
"Even worse then. I'm a mistake you're
saddled with."
Terek winced at the pain of her words. Mistake.
She believed she was unwanted and unloved. She had no idea the effect she had
on him and how much he struggled against the growing feelings for her inside
He let his desire control him and leaned
toward her, taking her in his arms. A need to feel her mouth yielding to his
overtook him, and he kissed her hard, needing her to understand how much he wanted
But she didn't yield. Instead, she met his
desire with her own, snaking her tongue past his lips to tease the tip of his
tongue. Such a common act he'd experienced countless times before with women
now excited him more than he could believe, and his cock sprang to life,
pressing hard against his hipbone.
She tasted like some exotic fruit Jasmine
seldom found at the market—a treat he rarely got to enjoy but relished so much
more when he could. She clung to him by the neck as she pressed her body to
his, leaving him in no doubt as to what she wanted.
He wanted it too.
"Ilona..." He stopped, unsure what
he'd wanted to say as she slid her hand down the front of his pants.
Looking at him, her eyes wide, she said,
"No, don't say anything. I need this. I don't want to think about who you
are with the others. Even if you have to pretend, then pretend. Just let me
have something about being a vampire that brings me happiness."
Her hand felt like silk as she slid it up
and down his stiff cock, grazing the tip just enough to make his hips come up
off the bed. His mind was nowhere else but right there with her.
Groaning his desire for more, he tugged a
fistful of hair, pulling her head so she looked into his eyes. "No
Readers will notice immediately that this book has a different tone from Saint's. Blood Spirit is set in Spain and Morocco, with some time spent in Vasilije's monastery home in Romania, but the overall feeling is far more relaxed than that of Saint's story, Blood Betrayed. What gives it such a different tone, though, is the character. Unlike Saint, whose very being is wrapped up in struggle, Terek has wanted for nothing for centuries. That's what happens when many consider you almost a god. But even a god wants something...
If you've read Vasilije and Saint's story, you'll know what I mean when I say Terek is an entirely different hero. The Sons series builds on itself, so if you haven't read the first two books, Blood Spirit isn't the one to begin with. Start with Blood Avenged and get to know that wonderful vampire Vasilije and then move on to Blood Betrayed and fall in love with Saint before you read Blood Spirit.
And remember, for a small taste of Terek, pick up Vampire Dreams Revamped for free at Kobo, Smashwords, and All Romance eBooks. He has a small cameo, but it's a delicious scene. ;)
Happy Friday everyone!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
18 & Over H0p #swag #Amazon GC
Welcome to the 18 & Over Giveaway Hop sponsored by Bitten By Paranormal Romance and yours truly! Meant to celebrate all things adult, our hop is all about sexy reading and the books we adore. I'm thrilled to be co-hosting this hop because the third book in my Sons of Navarus series, Blood Spirit, is releasing the day after the hop ends.
Blood Spirit is Terek's book, and it has a totally different feel from the first two books in the series. This hero is mystical, spiritual, and entirely seductive. I fell in love with him at the first word. Tall, with black hair and magical green eyes, he's sired thousands of female vampires, was a warrior and hero in the wars of vampires and humans, was a monk in his human life...oh, and he has the power of telepathy. See why I fell so hard?
But a man with so much going for him can't have everything come easy, so I gave him a heroine who is anything but easy on him. Ilona is a human and he turns her vampire, but that's the last moment of peace he gets. Strong, independent, and willful, she's a challenge to him and just what he needs.
Here's an excerpt to give you a taste of these two:
opened her eyes, and Terek saw that his blood had begun to bring her back from
the empty abyss he'd feared and she'd begged for. A tiny smile formed on her
lips, making him happy.
So onto the giveaway! Because I'm celebrating the release of Blood Spirit on September 17, I'm giving away a $10 gift card and and a Sons of Navarus prize pack with Sons bookmarks, cover flats, pens, magnets, notebook, coffee mug, and series trading cards to one lucky winner. All you have to do is complete as many of the Rafflecopter entries as you like, making sure to leave a comment with your email address so I can know where to find you if you win. The more you do, the better your chances of winning are. The giveaway is open internationally so everyone is eligible. :)
When you're done, be sure to hop around to all the other great blogs participating, and good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Blood Spirit is Terek's book, and it has a totally different feel from the first two books in the series. This hero is mystical, spiritual, and entirely seductive. I fell in love with him at the first word. Tall, with black hair and magical green eyes, he's sired thousands of female vampires, was a warrior and hero in the wars of vampires and humans, was a monk in his human life...oh, and he has the power of telepathy. See why I fell so hard?
But a man with so much going for him can't have everything come easy, so I gave him a heroine who is anything but easy on him. Ilona is a human and he turns her vampire, but that's the last moment of peace he gets. Strong, independent, and willful, she's a challenge to him and just what he needs.
Here's an excerpt to give you a taste of these two:

do you feel?"
sorry. I'm not sure I'll ever be the vampire you hope for, but I don't want to
die, Terek. I was wrong."
you still feel the hunger or pain?"
she inhaled and then exhaled. Smiling, she said, "My ribs feel much
better. How did you do that?"
smiled in return, happy to know his blood had begun to heal her. "I'm your
sire. My blood is what made you vampire, so my blood can heal you better than
any other in the world."
the hunger? Is that the same?"
his wrist to his mouth, he slid his tongue over the holes and closed them.
"For now, my blood is what you need to connect you to our world."
someday I won't need your blood to do that?"
felt a tiny stab at his heart. "Do you wish to be free of me so
her head, Ilona frowned. "No. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I was
just curious."
blood will always be what you crave most, but no, you won't always need it as
you do now."
was silent, but he could tell she had something on her mind. Once again, he
attempted to read her thoughts but heard nothing.
find out, he'd have to do things the old-fashioned way. He'd have to ask.
wrong, Ilona?"
slid up and pressed her back against the pillows. He saw by her expression she
was concerned about something but didn't expect the question she asked next.
you love all these women?"
eyes grew wide as she waited for his answer.
In my own way, I love every one."
look of confusion replaced her look of concern. "Do you sleep with all of
I have."
her legs past him, she stood from the bed and stared down at him with a look of
determination. "I have no desire to be part of a harem."
"You will if I say you will."
Harem? This was his house, not a harem, he thought defensively.
"No, I won't. I don't know what the
rules of being a vampire are, but unless all sires are like you, I'm guessing I
don't have to be one of your concubines."
Terek stared at her in amazement.
"I'm thinking you've never met a woman
like me, but that doesn't matter. I don't know how long you've been a vampire,
but this isn't the Stone Ages."
Any romantic notions he'd had just minutes
earlier were dashed by her staring down at him with her hands on her hips and
her impudent mouth set firmly in a scowl. Oh, he'd met a woman like her before,
long ago.
Terek stood and looked down into her
stubborn eyes. God, she so reminded him of that one soul in the world who'd
possessed him heart, mind, and body all those centuries ago.
"I see you have a typical Spanish
temper. Well, don't worry. I'm patient."
As he watched her walk off in a huff, he
smiled. Yes, he'd known another Spanish beauty like her. And if he didn't watch
out, he'd end up as he had with that one.
When you're done, be sure to hop around to all the other great blogs participating, and good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Grab Vampire Dreams Revamped On Me
Because I belong to Triberr, I can't say Vampire Dreams Revamped is FREE at Kobo, All Romance eBooks, and Smashwords since the word free sends the thing into some kind of tizzy, but it is free so go snag a copy. And if you want to be a real angel, go tell Amazon you found a lower price so I can put it up for free there. Amazon doesn't seem to respect All Romance or Smashwords, but maybe they'll respect Kobo. Wherever you get it, enjoy!
Usually this is WIP Wednesday, so I'll mention what's going on with my WIP. Blood Prophecy is moving along at a smooth pace and I've completed half of Vasilije's free short I plan to release in October. And although it doesn't technically count as a WIP anymore, Blood Spirit is ready and waiting for its release date on Monday.
I'm thrilled with how it came out and the reports back from my ARC readers have been wonderful. Who knows? With the way Amazon works, it might even be up earlier than the 17th.
Have a great one!
Usually this is WIP Wednesday, so I'll mention what's going on with my WIP. Blood Prophecy is moving along at a smooth pace and I've completed half of Vasilije's free short I plan to release in October. And although it doesn't technically count as a WIP anymore, Blood Spirit is ready and waiting for its release date on Monday.
I'm thrilled with how it came out and the reports back from my ARC readers have been wonderful. Who knows? With the way Amazon works, it might even be up earlier than the 17th.
Have a great one!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Author Myra Nour Guest Post
Take Me To Your Planet
-- or --
Writing Futuristic Romances
by: Myra Nour
Do you want to zoom away in a spaceship? Or be captured by a hunky alien? Perhaps your fantasy is to be whisked off to a far future society, where all diseases have been eliminated? Or maybe you'd prefer a society closely aligned with Earth's medieval period-complete with warriors, sword fighting, and castles.
No matter how diverse all these different ideas seem, they all have one theme in common-they can all be found in futuristic romances.
Do you need to be an astronaut or have been abducted by aliens to write about other worlds? Certainly not! Studying the masters of s/f and fantasy for style is a great start. Look at the various ways the masters handle their worlds, such as: Issac Asimov's technical expertise, Poul Anderson's humorous touch, Andre Norton's magic, or Robert E. Howard's dark/magical adventures.
One aspect you need to consider is how hard you want the science to be in your story. In other words, do you like writing technical information with lots of details about the future society? Or do you prefer to concentrate on the characters/storyline and have softer science? For example, in Love's Captive, the society I created is based on the Medieval system. It's something I'm interested in, and I don't care to read or write hard science fiction.
If you choose to go with hard science-you better have your facts straight or fans will call you on it. Study articles or books on science facts, recent discoveries, and future ideas. Maybe you can gleam something to incorporate into your story.
A good way to get the feel for what you want to write is to study your favorite authors style. There's a reason you like their books-so study their works and see if you can incorporate some of their style into your work. Of course you must find your own writing voice, but imitation is the best kind of flattery. And there is no reason to reinvent the wheel. If you love Dara Joy's Alpha males and the s/f plus fantasy elements she infuses into her stories, then perhaps that style would work well for you too.
Articles are a great resource in helping you seek information, check your facts, or maybe give you ideas. A good site where interesting articles can be found about different aspects of writing s/f romance stories, are at Science Fiction Romance. www.sfronline.com
I discovered several intriguing articles, such as Creating Believable Aliens, Worldbuilding, and Cursing in Alien Tongues. I think these would be worth a good "looksee".
The different terms you hear in connection with the genre may confuse you. Is your book s/f romance, fantasy romance, or futuristic romance? Don't worry about it. Write your story first. Later you can consider how to classify it. Friends can help by giving you feedback. Also, critique partners and writing groups can give their two cents worth. Ultimately your publisher will assign the subgenre they feel is appropriate for your work.
Now, write that exciting book!
Title: Volarn Chronicles: Book 2
Heart of The Dragon
Author: Myra Nour
Publisher: New Concepts Publishing.
Length: 514 pages
Sub-Genres: Sci-Fi
Can Eric, a tough, handsome Green Beret from Earth, convince
Kasha, the stubborn warrior princess of Volarn, that he loves her? Not before
they experience adventure in the haunted wastelands, discover a baby dragon,
and explore the hot, sensual side of their relationship.
Travel back to Volarn for more magical romance and new adventure with King Rhamus's sister, Kasha, and Olga's brother, Eric. If you loved Love's Captive, be enchanted with Volarn Chronicles Book Two. Find out what secret makes Kasha run from love. Follow the characters' fox and hound game of love, as each pushes the other to their limits, climaxing in a daring rescue that changes everything. Be warned, this book is filled with humor and love that knows no bounds. And an adorable, goofy dragon that will win your heart, so that you will be asking "How do I adopt a dragon of my own!"
Travel back to Volarn for more magical romance and new adventure with King Rhamus's sister, Kasha, and Olga's brother, Eric. If you loved Love's Captive, be enchanted with Volarn Chronicles Book Two. Find out what secret makes Kasha run from love. Follow the characters' fox and hound game of love, as each pushes the other to their limits, climaxing in a daring rescue that changes everything. Be warned, this book is filled with humor and love that knows no bounds. And an adorable, goofy dragon that will win your heart, so that you will be asking "How do I adopt a dragon of my own!"
I'm optimistic; happy unless something really bad happens; a good listener and friend. My best compliment came from a friend who said I was a 'Steel Magnolias'. She thought I was kind and gentle when she met me, but then found out the difficulties I've had in my life, and added a "backbone of steel" to that assessment.
I was an LPN for a total of 8 years; became interested in the mind more than the body, and helped put myself through college working as a nurse. Graduated cume laude with a BA in Psychology and MA in Counseling. Until several months before I graduated with my BA, when I met Simon, I was a single mother of two small children.
I worked odd jobs until I landed my first job working in my college area - as a social worker for physically and sexually abused children. Then, I found my nitch, as a college counselor. Loved it! Spent the rest of my career in this area, except for 3 years when I taught Psychology and Sociology at a local college. Loved this even more!!
My Simon has been very supportive about the whole writing process. We both agreed that when our financial circumstances would allow, that I'd quit work and write full-time, and that happened in 1998. I've been very lucky. After 24 years of working in a profession that helped people, I am able to do something for myself - writing.
Website: http://www.myranour.net/author/myra.php
I was an LPN for a total of 8 years; became interested in the mind more than the body, and helped put myself through college working as a nurse. Graduated cume laude with a BA in Psychology and MA in Counseling. Until several months before I graduated with my BA, when I met Simon, I was a single mother of two small children.
I worked odd jobs until I landed my first job working in my college area - as a social worker for physically and sexually abused children. Then, I found my nitch, as a college counselor. Loved it! Spent the rest of my career in this area, except for 3 years when I taught Psychology and Sociology at a local college. Loved this even more!!
My Simon has been very supportive about the whole writing process. We both agreed that when our financial circumstances would allow, that I'd quit work and write full-time, and that happened in 1998. I've been very lucky. After 24 years of working in a profession that helped people, I am able to do something for myself - writing.
Website: http://www.myranour.net/author/myra.php
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/myranour?ref=ts
Monday, September 10, 2012
One Week Until Blood Spirit!
Happy Monday everyone! I'm counting down the days until the release of the third book in the Sons of Navarus series, Blood Spirit. Time seems to have flown with this book. It seems like just yesterday I began writing Terek and Ilona's story and now it's time for it to meet the world.
Blood Spirit is a continuation of the Sons series, so the non-romantic story continues from Blood Betrayed. Marc Verrater, that vicious Archon, is back, along with some new villainous friends (one of whom will be a very important player as the series progresses). The romance is all Terek and Ilona, but because Terek has so many vampires, readers will get to meet some new characters from his household.
Advance readers have raved about the sensuality but also the emotion that's a big part of the story. I love the way this story came out. Terek was one of those characters whose passion propelled me to write his story, and his heroine Ilona felt like a great match for him from the moment she showed up.
Here's a taste of them in one of their first moments together. (I love when a man has to step up to a challenge!)
Blood Spirit is a continuation of the Sons series, so the non-romantic story continues from Blood Betrayed. Marc Verrater, that vicious Archon, is back, along with some new villainous friends (one of whom will be a very important player as the series progresses). The romance is all Terek and Ilona, but because Terek has so many vampires, readers will get to meet some new characters from his household.
Advance readers have raved about the sensuality but also the emotion that's a big part of the story. I love the way this story came out. Terek was one of those characters whose passion propelled me to write his story, and his heroine Ilona felt like a great match for him from the moment she showed up.
Here's a taste of them in one of their first moments together. (I love when a man has to step up to a challenge!)
if she were drawn to him, Ilona felt like her body had a mind of its own as she
rolled over to face him. He seemed to have some strange power over her as even
her eyes refused to close, forcing her to meet his stare.
tells me you're unhappy," he said in a low, smooth voice that instantly
soothed her.
can't be like her. I don't want to be a vampire."
moved around the bed to stand next to her. Again, her body seemed drawn to him
and she turned to look up at him. Green eyes stared down into hers, eyes gentle
and at the same time piercing.
sorry, Ilona, but you don't have a choice. What you can choose to be is
took my life, my family, my everything, and now you say it's my choice to be
happy? Where was my choice when you made me this?"
felt torn between what her mind told her to say and the craving she felt to be
near him. Both seemed to fight for control of her very being.
knelt at the bedside and took her hands in his. "Ilona, I want nothing
more than your happiness, but you must want to be happy."
touch relaxed her, and she looked up to see his eyes, now so gentle and kind,
looking back with an innocence that surprised her. As she gazed into
them, she heard him speak softly to her, but his words made no sense even as
they calmed her heart.
© 2012 Gabrielle Bisset
Friday, September 7, 2012
F*R*E*E Read and A New Cover
I've never met a Friday I didn't like, and this one is especially good. I have a new short story I've put up for a free read for my readers and a new cover. :)
Okay, first things first. I've begun to write free reads that will go along with the Sons of Navarus series. They're just short stories under 5K, but some are spicy and others are meant as more details about some of the characters. The first one, Forbidden Fruit, is about the god of the Underworld, Hades, and a mystery woman (you'll have to click on over to check it out). It's erotic, so be sure you're not at work or have the kiddies behind you when you read it. I figured I'd begin with him since he's getting ready to make his appearance in the Sons series in a book or two. Head on over to my Free Reads page and enjoy!
And here's the new cover (you thought it was the one for Forbidden Fruit, but no, there's more)...
The incredible Talina Perkins has done it again! When I approached her about updating the covers of the Trilogy ebook and paperback, along with Love's Master and Masquerade now that Vampire Dreams is no longer sold as a single novella and only appears in the Trilogy, she loved the idea and ran with it. I told her I was considering calla lilies and found an image. She found a better image and look at this masterpiece she created! I love it!!!
I can't wait to see the others. :) I'll be updating all the covers once they're done. In the meantime, you can find the Trilogy at all major outlets. For a sampling of what's inside, visit my Victorian Erotic Romance Trilogy page.
Have a wonderful Friday!
And here's the new cover (you thought it was the one for Forbidden Fruit, but no, there's more)...
I can't wait to see the others. :) I'll be updating all the covers once they're done. In the meantime, you can find the Trilogy at all major outlets. For a sampling of what's inside, visit my Victorian Erotic Romance Trilogy page.
Have a wonderful Friday!