
Monday, December 5, 2011

The Victorian Erotic Romance Trilogy

Another Monday is here, and we're one week closer to Christmas.  I love the holidays, so this time of year is one of my favorites.  This is my last week of work for the semester (big smile), but another reason I have to smile today is that the one volume book of The Victorian Erotic Romance Trilogy is up on Amazon.  I just checked and there it was. :) 

I put all three novellas--Vampire Dreams, Love's Master, and Masquerade--into one book because a number of readers had asked for it in print.  That's coming later this month.  But for now, the Trilogy is out in ebook and on sale for $3.99, which is a savings of $1.00 on the price of all three separately.  In addition, as an added bonus, readers get the first chapter of Blood Avenged included.  It's great for a holiday gift on that new ereader.


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