
Monday, December 12, 2011

Author Starla Kaye Guest Post

I'm happy to welcome author Starla Kaye to the blog today.  She's here talking about one of romance's favorite heroes, the cowboy. 

Shhh, don’t tell anyone…Starla Kaye is in love with 7 cowboys

What can I say…I LOVE cowboys! Give me a tall, hard-bodied man in worn jeans, dusty boots, low-tipped hat and that lazy, confident ambling walk and I’m a goner. Add a deep, husky drawl and an easy-going temperament…or a quiet manner and a man of few words…or a personality a bit on the broody side...okay, I want all of them.

I’ve been writing stories about contemporary and historical cowboys for a long time. Actually, with this newest anthology of seven stories, I have had the pleasure of getting to know and love 31 cowboys. You would think cowboy romances are all I publish, but that’s not true. I have worked with and loved contemporary businessmen, a pirate, a futuristic space pilot/warrior, medieval knights, Scottish Highland warriors, and a shape-shifter wolf. Yet time and again I come back to write about more cowboys.

The men in Cowboys in Charge, my Christmas anthology, are all on the alpha side, all strong-willed, and all of them are in love with women who drive them nuts (or is it they drive the women nuts?).

In Snowed in with Her Cowboy, James wants Kelly to quit a job she doesn’t really like and start a family. Her family history makes her fear having children and her strong stubborn tendency won’t let her quit work. But how much can a man take, even when he loves his wife intensely?

In Too Much Red at Christmas Time, Trent loves his wife but the ranch has been struggling financially and Lizzie’s addiction to Christmas shopping is a serious problem. No matter how many times they talk about it and no matter how many times she promises to stick to their budget, the situation gets worse. What can he do to save his marriage…or can he?

In For the Love of his Cowgirl, Adam and Amber are so busy they seldom do more than fall into bed exhausted. Both miss the fun games they once played and the steamy sex. He doesn’t know what to do to fire up the flames of their love again. But can he give her up?

In Cowboys and Their Toys, Jason is not only a strong alpha male but also a Dom. Jennifer has eased into his preferred lifestyle without complaint…until he wants to take it up to 24/7. Can he back away from his desire to go more intense? Or can he give all of it up to save his marriage?

In Naughty, Naughty Cowgirl, Justin is a believer in being the head of his household with the use of domestic discipline when necessary. Nicci accepted it for five years and finally decided she was done with it. Rather than give him a chance to back off, she decides that it is best if they separate for a while. He is devastated but he loves her enough to let her go…for now. But has he made a mistake in letting her leave? Will it be the end of their marriage?

In All I Want for Christmas (Biggest Prize Ever), Ryan is a natural-born charmer and a top-rated, bad-ass bull rider. He has been in love with Krystal forever and always thought that when he was ready to settle down she would be there waiting for him. But his lover has finally given up on him, just when he is about to quit the rodeo. How can he convince her that she’s the only woman he’s ever wanted?

In A Special Gift for Her Cowboy, Joshua has let the stress of running his struggling ranch and his wife’s job to help out overpower the most important thing in his life: his marriage. They’ve become so independent and their love life almost non-existent. Can he prove to her that he will do anything to make things right again?

And be sure to leave a comment to be entered in her mini-blog tour contest.  Stop over at all three blogs she's at today and leave a comment with your email address and you'll be entered to win a copy of the ebook Cowboys In Charge and a special Christmas gift.  So after you leave a comment here, hop on over to these blogs and leave a comment to be in the running for the prizes!

Jessica Aspen

The contest runs from 12-12-11 to 12-15-11 and the winner will be chosen randomly.  Good luck!

Title:  Cowboys in Charge
Genre:  Contemporary Romance, Domestic Discipline
Length:  114 page anthology
Release Date:  December 1, 2011
Publisher:  Black Velvet Seductions

Web Site:  Starla Kaye
Twitter:  Starla Kaye
Amazon Author Page:


  1. I agree there is just something about the laid back style of the cowboy that's just appealing. The book sounds great.

    lvs2dv (at) gmail (dot) com

  2. Gabrielle, thanks so much for having me here today. I hope to see many of the commenters leaving comments at the other two blogs today for a chance to win in the contest.

    I am also taking part in Jenna's Journal's 12 Books of Christmas Promotion today. That is a separate contest, but I'd love for readers to stop there to see my books and the other special Christmas stories.

  3. loves to dive, thanks for stopping by and commenting. I hope you check out the free story from the anthology.

  4. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today, Starla! There is something sweet about a fine cowboy. ;)

  5. Fun Christmas stories, Starla. Bought this and read it last night.

  6. Casea, thanks for buying the book and reading it. Just curious, did you have a favorite story in the anthology?

  7. Great post...mucho great giveaway! Happy Holidays!

  8. Thanks to everyone who left a comment. As it turned out, you only needed to leave a comment on this blog and the Jessica Aspen blog.

    My publisher decided to put the BVS Reader's Blog post up on Dec 20th instead.


Thank you for leaving a comment. :)