
Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday Musings and Destiny Redeemed's Tour Continues

It's Monday again, and since True Blood is on hiatus, there are no hot guys from my television watching to plaster pics of on Mondays. Grrr...they need to get moving on getting the hot men from True Blood back on my tv pronto!

I'm over at the fabulous Talina Perkins' Bookin' It Reviews today on Destiny Redeemed's tour celebrating Thea's birthday.  Since Amon usually gets all the attention because much of the story is about him, I thought today I'd give Thea the chance for center stage, so she's over at Talina's with me doing an interview today. Check it out for some scoop on Thea's past.

And speaking of celebrating, to say thanks to the fabulous readers who love romance, Destiny Redeemed is on sale for just $.99 until November 30!  Readers can get it at this fantastic price at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, All Romance eBooks, and Smashwords.  Don't miss it!

But I do have something yummy for your eyes this Monday, after all. A search online for some visual inspiration for the hero in my next book led me to this delicious creature. You can trust me that every word I write in this new book will be tinged with the thought of this stunning man:

Everybody, this is James, but for me from now on, he's a vampire named Declan. Thanks to Socialite Life for the yummy beginning to the week.

Hope everyone has a great Monday!


  1. Thats going to be a bloody hot book then. Phew. He's enough to get anyone :D

    Re gorgeous guys - Damon from Vampire Diaries always thrills me - wow-be-jesus! Hubba. He's got those cheek bones and his eyes - yowza! :) X

  2. Isn't he? Talk about inspiration!

  3. Good lord, Gabrielle! Where did you find this man and can you send him over to my house? LOL

  4. *giggles like a school girl* This is why you are awesome, Gabrielle!

  5. If I actually find a man like this, I don't know if I'm going to want to share.LOL! And thanks Komal :)


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