
Thursday, February 24, 2011

18+ Over Book Blogger Tag Along and A New Hop

The 18 & Over Book Blogger Tag Along is hosted by Bitten by Paranormal Romance, and it's a good chance for those who read and appreciate adult books to find others like them.

This week the tag along includes a question:  Name a couple of your favorite erotic authors.  I like a lot of erotica, but for me Charlotte Featherstone is one of the very best erotic authors, hands down.  Her books combine erotica and history, two of my favorite things, and they're incredible, from the cover on.  Her most recent book is a perfect example.  The cover sets the stage and then the story is just fantastic.  If I hadn't been a huge fan of hers before, Lust would've made me an instant convert.

Also, one of the erotic authors that got me interested in the genre is Robin Schone.  Her books The Lady's Tutor and The Lover still have top shelf status on my bookshelf.  They may be from 2002, but they're still incredibly erotic reads.

If you've come with the tag along, please leave a comment and let me know you were here.  

This week I'm also doing a new hop, the Book Blogger Hop, hosted by Jennifer at Crazy for Books. Each week she offers a question and bloggers answer it, so here's this week's:  Do you ever wish you would have named your blog something different? 

I see lots of blogs with really great names, but I figured that since this blog is about my writing, I should name it something that indicates that.  Actually what I do wish I could do differently is the theme of my blog, but that will have to wait a little bit.  :)

If you found my blog through the Book Blogger Hop, please leave a comment so I can visit your blog and follow too!  Have a wonderful weekend! 



  1. Hey again!! Hoping through another week. I am an old follower. And I really think I need to read some more Erotic books. I am lacking.

  2. Hi Hopping by to wish you a Happy Weekend! My faves are Tina Folsom and Stacey Kennedy.

    Follow Friday and Blog Hops

  3. Im a new follower. Ive got this book on my TBR Pile :) I love Charlotte Featherstone Books .

  4. I'm stopping by from the 18 & over tag along. I'm an old follower. I haven't read erotic books, I did read books with erotic scenes in them but I don't have a favourite author.
    Have a great weekend and stop by my blog if you have the time!

  5. There are so many wonderful erotica authors, it's hard to choose! I love to read Kate Douglas, Emma Holly, J. M. Snyder, Selena Kitt, Jackie Kessler. And more.

    I've been lucky enough to have my short stories included in anthologies with some amazingly talented erotic authors.

  6. Hi Gabrielle!
    I have to agree with your choices! I've read one by Featherstone and loved it. I also have several of Robin Schone's on my shelves!

    Hope you have a great weekend of reading!

    Barb at Sugarbeat's Books

  7. Hi Gabrielle,
    New follower, found you through Crazy for Books blogger hop :-) I really like your posts and the background images! Hope you're having a good Friday and that you have a great weekend!


  8. Hi,

    stopping by for the tag along.
    I am a new follower!

    Have a nice weekend!

  9. Read your latest excerpt for Broken Destiny--I think I might love the son as much as I loved the father!

    Have a great one!

  10. Popping on over from the 18+ blog hop. Wishing you a happy Friday and a great weekend. Love your blog!

    J x

  11. Hi,

    Just found you through the book blogger hop, and now following, too! I'm looking forward to reading through your older and new posts.

    The 18 and over hop looks interesting, I think I'll have to check it out. Thanks for mentioning it!

    Feel free to stop by my blog in your spare time,

    take care and happy reading,
    Ms C

  12. Hopping by via the Blogger Hop. My first time here, and I agree that a writer's blog should reflect that.

    I have a lot of blogs (14), but five of them are devoted to my five published novels; another is a writing chronicle; still another is current creative stuff...and on and on. Then there are the quirky things....


  13. Blog Hopping. I like your Blog theme,but if you think this lacking greatness, I cant wait to see your new one!

  14. What a beautiful blog...NEW FOLLOWER.

    ..Stopping by from the Blog Hop.

    Good answer...stop by my blog for my answer and also a book giveaway.

    Stop by my blog for a book giveaway:


    Chelsey Emmelhainz of HARPER COLLINS is graciously providing FIVE copies for five lucky winners.


Thank you for leaving a comment. :)