
Friday, February 11, 2011

18 and Over Book Blogger Tag Along and Follow Friday

This Friday, I'm celebrating the fact that I've gotten an offer to publish my book.  Siren-Bookstrand, the first publisher I queried, contacted me and wants to publish Stolen Destiny!  I'm so thrilled I can barely keep my feet on the ground!  So today is definitely a day I want to share with others.  This week, in addition to the great 18 and Over Book Blogger Tag Along, I'm doing Follow Friday.  I liked what I saw at both the blogs hosting these, so I figured I'd join in. 

The tag along is hosted by Bitten by Paranormal Romance, and it's a good chance for those who read adult books to find others like them. 

The question for this week is:  What's your favorite genre?

Paranormal romance, of course!  :)  And I can tell you that it's as much fun writing them as reading them. 

And Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee at her blog, Parajunkee's View.

The question for Follow Friday is:  What is your favorite romance hero stereotype? Do you like the strong, silent type or the brute, macho man?

I prefer strong men, mainly mad, bad, and dangerous to know.  That's why paranormal heroes are often my favorite.  There's nothing wrong with the contemporary or historical heroes, but they aren't usually the kind of bad boys I like best. 


  1. Awesome! The Black Dagger Brotherhood comes to mind! :)

  2. Exactly! Love those Brothers! Thanks for stopping by!


  3. Many congratulations - enjoy your moment and hope all goes well with the book!

    (found you on the Follow Friday)

  4. Congratulations on the offer. Hope you have a great weekend. I'm hopping through from the over 18 Tag Along.

    Barb at Sugarbeat's Books

  5. Stoppin' in to say hi on Follow Fridays :). Hope you have a great weekend.


  6. First of congrats on your book being published and I can't wait to read it. After all my fave is paranormal, followed by historical , UF and YA.

    As for heros 'sigh' I love the big dark broody type- BDB , Dark Hunters, IAD oh and I can't forget The Lords yummmmy.

    New Follower as well!

    FFand Blog Hops

  7. Hi, hopping by to say hello and wish you a great day and weekend.

    My favorite genre is paranormal Erotic Romance and the type of men I love is strong and tender at the same time. A man who treats a woman as an equal.

  8. Congrats on the publishing offer!! Looking forward to seeing more on your book...hence I'm a new follower and I found you through the 18 and over blog hop.

    Your blog is lovely. I love artistically created blogs...*smiles*

    I'm looking forward to more, and have a wonderful weekend!!

    Redd @ the Wyld Hollow

  9. Yes!!!! The BDB are my addiction and my weakness and they're exactly the image I picture when asked this question. Thanks for visiting my blog and I'm now your newest follower and look forward to your writings.

  10. Congratulations on your offer!! That's wonderful news. Best wishes!

    Love your favorite romance hero! Mine would be a bit beastly and domineering, but loving, witty and smart too.

    Thank you for stopping by The Forbidden Bookshelf!

    Diana @ Book of Secrets
    & The Forbidden Bookshelf

  11. Oh my, I´m late as usual ;-) Thanks for stopping by. I´m also a huuuge Paranormal Romance fan!:-)
    Lea @ Reading Against All Odds

  12. Hi!! Hopping by to say hello! I'm a new follower!

    Hope you get a chance to come by Gone with the Words!!!

  13. Hey there, I'm a new follower.
    I am soo with you on the stereotype. Bad boys are just soo.... *Shivers

    hope you will stop by at



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